Tish Jennings - Contemplative Education

Published: Sept. 23, 2022, 8:28 a.m.

b'In this episode, Wendy speaks with contemplative educator and researcher Patricia (Tish) Jennings. Tish has been a pioneer in bringing mindfulness and compassion into school settings, with a particular focus on helping teachers. This conversation covers many topics, including:\\nher experience as an educator and a meditator;\\nhow teacher stress contributes to the classroom environment;\\nhow contemplative practice can help bring awareness to automatic responses, and help shift them;\\nthe process of attunement and our core as social beings;\\nhow teachers can be sensitive to students who have experienced trauma;\\nproblems with the industrialized model of education;\\nhow teachers can be a force for change from the inside;\\nyoga and body sensation as mindfulness for young children;\\nsomatic awareness and understanding emotions;\\nand what young people need most right now.\\nFull show notes and resources'