Ed Taylor Leading by Example

Published: April 20, 2023, 8:19 a.m.

b"In this episode, Wendy speaks with University of Washington vice provost and dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Ed Taylor. Ed has made major contributions in the areas of contemplative education and leadership, with a focus on moral and integrative education and social justice.\\xa0This conversation covers many topics, including:\\ngrowing up embedded in community and giant sequoias;\\nlearning to be still with the mind;\\nteaching meditation amidst anger dysregulation;\\nembodying contemplative skills in the classroom;\\nthe gap between our mind's story and our body in the moment;\\nthe relevance of contemplation to wise and effective leadership;\\nmoving from ego-system to ecosystem awareness (systems thinking);\\nimplementing systems change in university settings;\\nnormalizing failure and modeling vulnerability;\\nletting students lead in defining the community they want;\\nimagining the world you want to live in when things are not OK (reflections on the days after George Floyd was killed);\\nunderstanding critical race theory in education;\\nand the central role of community in healing.\\nFull show notes and resources"