Dekila Chungyalpa - Human-Earth Connection

Published: May 21, 2021, 8:21 a.m.

b'In this episode, Wendy speaks with environmentalist Dekila Chungyalpa about her views of nature, the climate crisis, and her unique collaborations with faith leaders. Their conversation covers many topics, including:\\ngrowing up in the Himalayas and being interconnected with nature;\\nthe dominance of dualistic thinking in the West, and the dangerous separations it creates;\\nembracing a framework of interdependence;\\nthe role of indigenous wisdom in conservation;\\nher own experience dealing with eco-anxiety;\\nworking with faith leaders to move the needle on environmental issues;\\nweaving together Buddhist values and activism;\\nbridging science and religion;\\nand the need for compassion and community in facing the climate crisis.\\nFull show notes and resources'