Bob Thurman - Wisdom is Bliss

Published: June 3, 2022, 8:22 a.m.

b"In this episode, Wendy speaks with Buddhist scholar and author Robert (Bob) Thurman. Bob is one of the foremost scholars in the world on Tibetan Buddhism, and played a major role in bringing Buddhism to America. This conversation covers many topics, including:\\nhis entry into Buddhism, and befriending the Dalai Lama;\\nlinks between Buddhism and science (and why Buddhism is 1/6 religion);\\nproblems with scientific materialism;\\nenlightenment and emptiness;\\nstories of the Buddha leaving home;\\nfour friendly fun facts (noble truths);\\nrealistic vs. right approaches on the path;\\njumping into bliss prematurely;\\nBuddhist ethics;\\npractices to push against essentialism;\\nthe key role of compassion in enlightenment;\\nhow he thinks about reincarnation and continuation of consciousness;\\nthe role of science on the contemplative path;\\nand Bob's parting fun fact.\\nFull show notes and resources"