Apr 28 - Office Monkeys / Beyonce Buzzfeed Lists

Published: April 28, 2016, 3:31 p.m.

b'Yinzsplosion overload.... Pens vs Caps game 1 is on tonight... Steelers 1st Round draft is on tonight.... So much Pittsburgh... No matter what happens in the draft we know that all the "Facebook Draft Experts" will complain about who the Steelers take in NFL tonight - The Office Monkeys celebrated Pens vs Caps game one in the office - Beyonce "Lemonade" Buzzfeed list are hilarious.. 83 pictures of Beyonce that made us scream Yaaaaassss Queen!!!! 25 Gifs of Beyonce that made my Pug get in a toilet - Every show had their "Draft Expert" on today to talk about the draft tonight.... Coming up at 8:45 were talking to Craig from SteelersNakedDraftExpert.com about the draft tongiht Ahhhh Yeah Craig break down that draft...yuck'