Mikiatures 20 - Don't Look Back In Anger

Published: Dec. 6, 2011, 5:50 p.m.

b'Don\\u2019t Look Back In Anger\\nSome bastard had blocked him in again. Naturally, Mick only had himself to blame. When was he going to learn that you should never park in an empty parking space? After all, this was Spain, where double parking was a national pastime; triple parking, however, was positively frowned upon \\u2013 if only because the buses couldn\\u2019t get through.\\n\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Strictly speaking, he had blocked two of them in \\u2013 it was always a he \\u2013 in such a way that it was impossible for either one of them to back out.\\nMick knew the routine well by now:\\n1) Sound your horn \\u201cpolitely\\u201d\\n2) Check to see if the driver has left his keys in the ignition\\n3) Curse everything and everybody\\n4) Sound your horn again, this time \\u201crudely\\u201d\\n5) Note the car model\\n6) Locate the nearest bar\\nEt cetera.\\n\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Typically, the offender would smile at you \\u2013 though never actually apologise \\u2013, amble out of the bar, get into his car and drive off.\\n\\xa0\\nSo much for theory. In retrospect, the owner of the shiny black Mercedes Coup\\xe9 could consider himself frightfully unlucky to have caught Mick on a bad day.\\n\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 \\u2018OK, here goes,\\u2019 he said, slamming his clapped-out Toyota into reverse.'