Episode 138 CritFinger the day the podcast stood still! (ಠ_ಠ)┌∩┐

Published: June 30, 2014, 10:34 p.m.

This weeks episode had 2 guests, both Hightower and Jeg from the most likely discontinued podcast the Critheads lol. We rant about many a things, wildstar, podcasts and much more! @_jeg_ @hitowerr http://middlefingerpodcast.com http://twitch.tv/middlefingerpodcast http://facebook.com/middlefingerpodcast http://middlefingerpodcast.com http://obsessed-turalyon.enjin.com http://violentapathy.com http://thegeekhole.net or .com middlefingerpodcast@gmail.com @middlefingerbil @diabloceto @amyemmence @woundednogin @middlefingerjoe