My Story

Published: July 17, 2020, 4 p.m.

Welcome back to Micro Empires Podcast! I’m your host, Jennifer Ives Grimson. Today I will be sharing with you my story about how I had to rebuild my life TWICE because of what had happened between me and my ex-husband.

Let’s jump right into this episode and find out how I overcame these obstacles in order to build my own micro empires.

[00:01 - 01:24] Opening Segment

  • I talk briefly about what this episode is all about

[01:25 - 06:26] My Story

  • My husband and I got a divorce
    • I married my first boyfriend and we had two kids
  • I started my Rebuild journey
    • I moved back with my mom
    • I got a job, but the attorney’s fees from the divorse kept draining my account  
    • My ex-husband kept suing me as well as my mother and siblings
  • I filed for chapter 13 bankruptcy

[06:27 - 09:40] Building My Micro Empires

  • I moved in with my new boyfriend
    • I quit my job
    • I filed for chapter 13 bankruptcy again in order for my ex-husband to finally stop suing me 
  • I had no real income
    • I only had my 401k
  • I rebuilt my finances for the second time
    • This time, I created small pockets of investments

[09:41 - 11:29] Closing Segment

  • I was just an ordinary person trying to create wealth late in life
    •  I had to rebuild from nothing
  • Final words from me


Tweetable Quotes:

"Never ever ever turn your financial well-being over to another human being." - Jennifer Ives Grimson


You can connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. I’m excited to know more about you.

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This podcast is about YOU.  We all have a story; whether your story is a lot like mine or totally different. Maybe you have a good job, but you know in your heart that you want more. 

What’s your Micro Empire?

To know more, visit our website and I’ll see you there!