Bonus Episode 1 | Unyielding Spirit: Merril Hoge's Journey of Resilience - Mick Unplugged

Published: March 26, 2024, 1 p.m.


In a deeply personal and inspiring episode, Mick Hunt converses with Merril Hoge about the power of perseverance, the impact of mentorship, and the essence of resilience. Merril\'s journey from a determined NFL player to a motivational speaker offers valuable lessons in facing life\'s hurdles with a proactive and positive mindset.

Merril Hodge\'s Background: Notable for his tenacity on the football field and his courageous battle off it, Merril shares his life\'s challenges and triumphs.

Defining Moments: Merril discusses the importance of mental preparation and visualization in his success, both in sports and life challenges.

Discussion Topics:

  • The impact of mentors on Merril\'s life and career highlights his admiration for Walter Payton.
  • Merrill\'s approach to overcoming adversity emphasizes preparation, mindset, and resilience.
  • He transitioned from an NFL player to a motivational speaker, sharing his philosophy of "finding a way" in life.

Key Quotes:

  • "Being prepared is your responsibility. It\'s a combination of an opportunity."
  • "People always remember how you made them feel. That\'s the relationship point."

Next Steps:

  • Learn More: Visit to explore Merril\'s work, book him for speaking engagements, and find inspirational resources.
  • Reflect: Consider how Merril\'s approach to challenges can apply to your life. What steps can you take today to "find a way" through your obstacles?
  • Engage: Share your stories of resilience and how you\'ve been inspired by Merril\'s journey using #MickUnplugged.