Resenha: Katatonia - City Burials (Gothic/Alternative/Progressive Rock/Metal Sueco)

Published: June 2, 2020, 9 a.m.


Por que n\\xe3o falamos de sertanejo? Ao ser confrontado com essa pergunta, Kilton Fernandes aproveita o lan\\xe7amento do d\\xe9cimo segundo disco do Katatonia para explicar como heavy metal nos ajuda a processar sentimentos complexos, denso e at\\xe9 mesmo desconhecidos para n\\xf3s. 



In times of surrender I am shedding my scars
\\nI was sick but I was set for the stars
\\nThe road was mine but I worried still
\\nIn the sunset of age on the weight of my lips
\\nAnd closed was the door to my past perception
\\nAnd my disposition had then been chained
\\nI opened my mind to all the love forsaken
\\nYou saw my white flag as our shadows merge
\\nThrough tides of repentance my words lead to deed
\\nIn their wake, see how I sway
\\nEyes fix on the horizon, big as it seems
\\nI let the words lapse and return to a dream



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\\nDeixe um coment\\xe1rio nesse post que leremos no pr\\xf3ximo epis\\xf3dio especial. 
