Resenha: Five The Hierophant - Through Aureate Void (Avant-garde Post-Black/Doom Metal, Dark Ambient/Jazz ingles)

Published: March 4, 2021, 12:46 p.m.


Resenha: Five The Hierophant - Through Aureate Void (Avant-garde Post-Black/Doom Metal, Dark Ambient/Jazz ingl\\xeas)


\\n\\n\\U0001f480Shownotes\\U0001f480\\n\\n Tanpura Demonstration -\\n\\n Bagpipe Drone A#/Bb -\\n\\nPerformance | Tokyo GAGAKU -\\n\\nByzantine chant - Praise the Lord from the Heavens -\\n\\nTraditional Didgeridoo Rhythms by Lewis Burns, Aboriginal Australian Artist -\\n\\n\\n



Resenha: Five The Hierophant - Through Aureate Void (Avant-garde Post-Black/Doom Metal, Dark Ambient/Jazz ingl\\xeas)


\\n\\n\\U0001f535 Vem para o nosso grupo no Telegram -\\n\\nE tamb\\xe9m nesse epis\\xf3dio:  Tr\\xeas discos para se entender o - Avant-garde Post-Black/Doom Metal, Dark Ambient/Jazz ingl\\xeas 



\\U0001f7e2 Ou\\xe7a agora no Spotify \\U0001f7e2 


\\U0001f4bf Sunnata - Black Serpent>>> 


\\U0001f4bf Dark Budha Rising - Mathreyata>>> 


\\U0001f4bf Beautality - Einfallen: A Tale ov Torment & Triumph>>>





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\\U0001f4bf Resenha Di\\xe1ria - Um review de um lan\\xe7amento do mundo do Heavy Metal. Segunda a sexta \\xe0s 6 horas.


\\U0001f4e1 Radar Metal Mantra - Um compilado com todos os lan\\xe7amentos da semana. Segundas \\xe0s 18 horas


\\u2615 Tribuna - Programa de uma hora sempre com um convidado muito especial do mundo do heavy metal. Sextas \\xe0s 15 horas.


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