64. Choose Her Every Day (Or Leave Her) - Part Two

Published: May 19, 2021, 4 a.m.

\\nDo you struggle with intimate relationship?
\\nDo you have a hard time choosing your partner every … single … day?
\\nDo you ever feel UNCHOSEN by your intimate partner?
\\nThis episode is a bit unusual in that it\\u2019s actually a rebroadcast of another podcast I was recently featured on, The Art of Authenticity, hosted by my friend, Laura Coe.
\\nTypically, I reserve this podcast for wisdom conversations amongst men, not because I want to exclude women \\u2013 God no! Shoot to be straight up with you, truth is I know far more women I consider to be wise than I do men! This podcast would be EASIER to produce if I brought in women, and I will almost surely do that eventually \\u2013 but that\\u2019s exactly WHY I have so far reserved this space for conversations between men, because I believe the world desperately NEEDS more men to be having more of these kinds of real, raw, vulnerable conversations amongst men who have cultivated maturity and depth and insight through real life experience.
\\nBut Laura is a brilliant woman and an amazing host of her podcast, and I really enjoyed her ability to conduct an amazing conversation around my new book, \\u201cChoose Her Every Day Or Leave Her\\u201d \\u2026 so I decided this would be a perfect way of bringing you deeper into the experience of this book, including a breakdown of some of its core insights and distinctions.
\\nI highly recommend diving into \\u201cChoose Her Every Day Or Leave Her\\u201d whether you\\u2019re a man or a woman, in a relationship or single, because you\\u2019ll learn many of the secrets that should never be secrets!!! to creating exquisite intimacy with another, and with yourself, too. I certainly wish I knew these things 20 years ago; so much suffering \\u2013 both for me and for many others \\u2013 could have been averted! It\\u2019s available on most major book retailers\\u2019 websites, including Amazon, and you can also find links to buy the book on my website at bryanreeves.com/book \\u2026\\xa0
\\nOne last thing, the audio is a little funky in places, but I\\u2019m a bit fanatic about these things; you might not even notice.
\\nSo, take a deep breath, and stay present with us, all the way through to the end of the rebroadcast of Laura Coe\\u2019s \\u201cArt of Authenticity\\u201d on this episode of Men, This Way \\u2026
\\nAlright \\u2026
\\nLet\\u2019s dive …
\\nChoose Her Every Day Or Leave Her (The Book)