59. The 4th Pillar of a Thriving Man ~ BROTHERHOOD ~ w/ Tait Arend (My Lifelong Soul-Brother)

Published: Jan. 13, 2021, 6 a.m.

\\nWhat happens when men don\\u2019t have deep connections with other men?
\\nWhat\\u2019s the cost to our vitality, fulfillment, when we lone-wolf it through life?
\\nCould being part of an intentional brotherhood serve your life?
\\nIn this episode, my guest is, Tait Arend … my lifelong childhood best friend.
\\nIn this episode, we\\u2019re diving into the 4th pillar of a thriving man: Brotherhood.
\\nIn a recent episode I introduced my 5 Pillars of a Thriving Man: Purpose. Intimacy. Family. Brotherhood. Spirit. \\u2026 Who better to invite on to talk about the pillar of Brotherhood than the man who\\u2019s been my soul-brother since we were both 10 years old – 36 years ago.\\xa0
\\nWhat does this word \\u201cbrother\\u201d mean?
\\nOn the first day of a men\\u2019s retreat in Norway that I was invited to help support a few years ago, I heard a man say, \\u201cI don\\u2019t know why we use this word brother with each other. You guys aren\\u2019t my brothers. I don\\u2019t know you. I don\\u2019t get it.\\u201d \\u2026 At the end of that incredible week, after 6 days of us men being respectfully challenged by each other, getting vulnerable and at times being very uncomfortably real with each other, and laughing a lot together, and sometimes screaming and crying with each other, too, he said something I\\u2019ll never forget. He said, \\u201cI now know what \\u201cbrother\\u201d means. It means you know how I feel.\\u201d
\\n\\u201cYou know how I feel.\\u201d
\\nHis words have never left me. One of the great tragedies of our modern world is that we men \\u2013 and women, too \\u2013 we are essentially taught not to feel, that feelings don\\u2019t matter, that productivity, accomplishment, winning should be our primary concerns.\\xa0
\\nWell, like many men, perhaps like you, I\\u2019ve long struggled with feeling disconnected from my emotions, from my body, thus disconnected even from my intimate partners, and from my own life. At times, I\\u2019ve felt unbearably lonely, even when surrounded by people and my own external success.\\xa0
\\nIt\\u2019s only been a few years now that I\\u2019ve really awakened to the importance of brotherhood \\u2013 by which I mean real, vulnerable, courageous companionship with other men in which we celebrate each other\\u2019s triumphs, witness and comfort each other in our sorrows, and challenge each other, always with respect, when we see each other playing small in ways that don\\u2019t serve.\\xa0
\\nMy guest today, Tait, is the one man with whom I\\u2019ve been profoundly fortunate to share a lifetime of brotherhood.
\\nHe\\u2019s one of the most thoughtful, smart, and alive people I\\u2019ve ever known. And I\\u2019m so honored, and excited, to invite you into our beautiful friendship today, to hear the story of our brotherhood, including some of the challenges we\\u2019ve faced, and some of the ways we\\u2019ve let each other, or other men, down, and the costs of it.
\\nTait \\u2013 I\\u2019m so delighted to share \\u2013 is actually my right hand man for ELEVATE 2021, the year-long coaching adventure for men committed to thriving in every domain of life. \\u2026 which begins imminently.
\\nELEVATE 2021: A year-long coaching adventure for men committed to thriving.
\\nIf you\\u2019re interested in being part of an incredible brotherhood going through all of 2021 together, sharing in our challenges, challenging each other to show up, step up, speak up, and create new experiences of success, new breakthroughs in our lives, in ways we often can\\u2019t even imagine are possible until we\\u2019re held in a powerful container of brotherhood with other men \\u2026 if any of that speaks to you, then definitely apply now for ELEVATE 2021 @ https://bryanreeves.com/elevate,
\\nWe only have 3 spots left, of 10 total. 3 spots! You\\u2019re going to receive private coaching with me, group coaching with me AND Tait, as well as an in-person retreat in late summer when we\\u2019ll all gather in a beautiful nature location to share an incredible experience together. And best of all, I think,'