44. Why You Must Do The One Thing (You Love) Every Day

Published: Feb. 19, 2020, 1:56 a.m.

b'What is the one thing you know you should be doing everyday to ensure you have an epic day?
\\nAre you regularly doing it?
\\nIf not, why not? … Are you aware of the cost?
\\nIn this episode, inspired by a conversation I had just last night,\\xa0 I\\u2019m gonna share with you both my triumphs and my struggles around simply living each day well \\u2013 you know, going to bed deeply satisfied each night because I had the strong sense that I kicked ass that day and lived well. One of the things I\\u2019ve long struggled with is thinking I know what I must do to be successful, and yet I neverseem to really have that figured out! So I\\u2019ll share with you one of my key commitments that has really paved the way for my greatest success, and what happened when I stopped honoring that commitment due to the challenges that then came with all the success!\\xa0\\xa0
\\nAt the end I\\u2019ll share my 3 key takeaways, which I think will be really inspiring for you, and help orient you on your own path to living your own life well each day \\u2026\\xa0So, definitely stay tuned through to the end of this episode of Men, This Way \\u2026
\\nAlright \\u2026
\\nLet\\u2019s dive \\u2026
\\nMy Morning Guided Meditation
\\nA Kyle Cease Video