42. Stop This Tragic Cycle (Ruining Your Relationship)

Published: Dec. 6, 2019, 11:25 p.m.

\\nEver been stuck in a relationship cycle of disagreement, arguing, then breakdown?
\\nDo you dismiss feelings \\u2013 yours or another\\u2019s \\u2013 as invalid when they don\\u2019t make sense to you?
\\nDo you ache for more harmony and ease in intimate relationship?
\\nIn this episode I dive into my popular blog:
\\nStop This Tragic Cycle In Your Relationship
\\nWhether or not you\\u2019re in a relationship, this is going to be meaningful to you, because I believe this tragic cycle isn\\u2019t really about what is happening with another person, but rather what is happening with YOU, on this inside, and it\\u2019s just showing UP in your dynamics with others, and especially your intimate partner \\u2026
\\nThis happens in all relationships, straight, gay, and otherwise.
\\nI\\u2019m talking about a masculine-feminine dynamic, which does NOT mean a man-woman dynamic. As I just stated, this tragic cycle is playing out inside us all \\u2026 but for the sake of ease and illustration, I\\u2019m going to talk about it in the broadest sense that I\\u2019ve seen it, in coaching couples the last 6 years, and in my own relationship experiences too. That is, I\\u2019ll frame it as a Man-Woman dynamic, but again, I STRESS!!! … if you\\u2019re a man, and you relate more to what I describe as a woman\\u2019s experience, go with it. Same if you\\u2019re in a same sex-relationship. Don\\u2019t get tripped up by the details \\u2013 like what genitalia you have \\u2013 just take what resonates for you and discard the rest.
\\nBut if you want to truly thrive in this lifetime, and experience TRUE FREEDOM along the way, keep listening \\u2026 hopefully you\\u2019ll understand why I say that, shortly \\u2026
\\nDefinitely stay tuned for my 3 Key Takeaway’s at the end of this episode of Men, This Way \\u2026
\\nAlright \\u2026
\\nLet\\u2019s dive \\u2026
\\n“The Boundaries Program: Relationships Suck Without Boundaries!”
\\n“Conflict to Connection” 90-Day Couples Program
\\n“Love, Sex, Relationship Magic” Audio Program