34. (Pt 2) A More Beautiful World w/ Charles Eisenstein

Published: Aug. 28, 2019, 9 a.m.

\\nAre you ever discouraged by your limited impact on the world?
\\nDo you struggle to find purpose, or perhaps you have purpose yet struggle to balance that and being present with your loved ones?
\\nAre you even connected to what you really care about?
\\nThis is part 2 of my conversation with Charles Eisenstein (Part 1 here).
\\nI have a man-crush on Charles. His brilliant mind is plugged into a vision of the world I \\u2013 and so many others \\u2013 ache to live in.\\xa0
\\nCharles graduated from Yale University with degrees in mathematics and philosophy, and is the author of 5 books, including The Ascent of Humanity and The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible.\\xa0
\\nIn this episode, our core exploration is what it means and looks like to have real impact on the world, and the struggles we tend to face in the face of wanting to create impact. We talk about purpose, and an interesting way to look at the unpredictable consequences of saying yes, or no, to any given opportunity. All that, and much more.\\xa0
\\nAt the end, I do something a little different and dive deeper into 2 of my own key takeaways from this conversation with Charles Eisenstein, so be sure to stay to the end of this episode of Men, This Way …
\\nAlright \\u2026\\xa0
\\nLet\\u2019s dive \\u2026
\\n4:51 ~ Addressing the sense of not mattering in people\\u2019s lives
\\n12:06 ~ Creating change
\\n17:49 ~ How to listen to your heart versus your mind
\\n23:05 ~ How to know what to say \\u201cyes\\u201d to, and what to say \\u201cno\\u201d to
\\n28:58 ~ What is purpose?
\\n31:54 ~ The common dilemma between our mission and our family
\\n39:28 ~ How we get trapped in false missions in life
\\n45:45 ~ \\u201cStop trying to be a good person\\u201d
\\n49:23 ~ What if you could do whatever you wanted?
\\n52:43 ~ The importance of ceremony
\\n56:43 ~ KEY TAKEWAY 1: The distinction between mind and heart
\\n1:01:44 ~ KEY TAKEWAY 2: What do you care about?
\\nFind Charles @ www.CharlesEisenstein.org
\\nCharles’s Book: The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible (Sacred Activism)