30. Why Men Cant Be Friends With Women Theyre Attracted To (And Some Can)

Published: July 27, 2019, 2 a.m.

\\nCan a man be genuine friends with a woman he\\u2019s attracted to?
\\nCan you ignore, or transmute, the pull of sexual polarity when it would otherwise threaten your relationship \\u2026 or simply your peace of mind?
\\nCan a relationship survive (even thrive?) when opposite sex friends are in the picture?
\\nIn this episode, I explore a very popular blog I wrote, by the same name as this podcast, entitled, Why Men Can\\u2019t Be Friends with Women They\\u2019re Attracted To (And Some Can)
\\nIn this episode, I\\u2019ll explore \\u201c4 key aspects of a man\\u2019s maturity\\u201d that determine whether he can be friends with a woman – or another man, for that matter \\u2013 that he might otherwise be attracted to.
\\nI\\u2019ll also share two essential insights into how to make opposite sex friends work FOR your relationship, not against it.
\\nDefinitely stay tuned for these 4 Key Aspects, and those extra bonus insights, at the end of this episode of Men, This Way \\u2026
\\nOriginal Blog: Why Men Can\\u2019t Be Friends with Women They\\u2019re Attracted To (And Some Can)
\\nBlog: Breathing Into “Untimely” Sexual Energy
\\n“Love, Sex, Relationship Magic” Audio Program (15% discount code in the episode)
\\nMen’s Retreats (including Norway)