25. Bridging (Painful) Cultural Divides w/ Tarek Mounib #FreeTripToEgypt

Published: June 14, 2019, 6:59 p.m.

\\nAre you concerned (frightened, pissed) about the state of the world politic today?
\\nHave you given up hope that we can all just get along?
\\nHave you been to Egypt, or thought about going … or wouldn\\u2019t now dare go now?!
\\nIn this episode, my guest is Tarak Mounib, whose courageous new film, Free Trip To Egypt, has just come out and is playing in movie theaters across the country this month.
\\nBefore we dive in with Tarak, I want to tell you something about me you don\\u2019t know: I have an adopted Egyptian brother.
\\nHe lives in Nashville with my dad and step-mom. I met him 20 years ago, when I was fresh out of the military and traveling around the world desperately trying to find myself \\u2026. Well, one of the many places I found myself was in the heart of Cairo, where I lived with Wael\\u2019s family (his name is Wael) for 3 months. In the summer just before 9/11 \\u2026 what i experienced changed my life forever.
\\nI had never before experienced such a culture of hospitality and welcoming. Yes, there were things that bothered me about the experience in Egypt, that felt oppressive like the military, but more than that, I was left with an indelible imprint on my soul of the profound capacity Egyptians have to be kind, loyal friends and companions, to be concerned and present, and to be loving. When 9/11 happened a few months later \\u2013 and I was 3 miles from the Pentagon when it was hit, attending a 9am talk in downtown Washington D.C. by president Bill Clinton\\u2019s Middle East Envoy, Ambassador Dennis Ross, about the state of peace talks in the Middle East \\u2013 well I was devastated.
\\nYes because of the attacks themselves \\u2013 and even more so because suddenly a hatred so nasty and violent began to emerge even from a few people close to me, towards the very Muslims I had fallen in love with, and who had fully embraced me as their own son, just months earlier.
\\nSo when my friend John Raatz, founder of the Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment \\xa0(known as GATE) told me he was taking on marketing and promotion for a movie about bringing people from places in America where that same hatred and vitriol towards Muslims has been erupting these last few years TO Egypt \\u2026 to live with Egyptian families, to essentially be swallowed up by the same love and welcoming I experienced 20 years ago \\u2026 I was over the moon!
\\nJohn allowed me to do a private screening in my home for some friends before it was released, and well \\u2026 here we are today. By the time you hear this podcast, Tarak\\u2019s film will have been shown in over 500 theaters across North America.
\\nThis is my conversation with Tarak, a profound exploration into culture, the shared human experience, and the hope, and wisdom, and futility in learning how to bridge the sometimes excruciating differences that divide people everywhere, and how getting along doesn\\u2019t require \\u2026 CAN\\u2019T require \\u2026 MUST NOT require … that we all think the same.
\\nDefinitely stay tuned for Tarak\\u2019s 5 Key Takeaway’s at the end of this episode of Men, This Way \\u2026
\\nAlright \\u2026
\\nLet\\u2019s dive \\u2026
\\n6:22 ~ The launch and reception of Tarek\\u2019s film \\u201cFree Trip To Egypt\\u201d
\\n8:46 ~ A significant early experience in Tarek\\u2019s life
\\n12:24 ~ Relationship with father
\\n13:04 ~ Relationship with Egypt
\\n17:36 ~ Similarities between Egypt and the west
\\n23:48 ~ Why Tarek made his film at this time
\\n27:40 ~ What Egypt can teach the west
\\n32:31 ~ \\u201cFree Trip To Egypt\\u201d
\\n36:55 ~ Aspects of living under an authoritative government
\\n47:34 ~ The biggest challenge facing men in the world today
\\n50:14 ~ \\u201c5 KEY TAKEWAYS\\u201d FINALE
\\n50:37 ~ KEY INSIGHT: Trust hope
\\n52:09 ~ KEY MAN TO LEARN FROM: The Dalai Lama
\\n53:04 ~ KEY RESOURCE (most impactful, inspiring book, movie, podcast): Tarek\\u2019s film \\u201cFree Trip To Egypt\\u201d
\\n53:31 ~ KEY INVESTMENT (the best thing you spent money on, under $10,'