112. The 3 Reasons Men Check Out of Relationship (And How To Step Back In)

Published: Feb. 8, 2024, 11 a.m.

\\nDo you know why men tend to check out of relationships?
\\nDo you know the 3 Pillars of Intimacy?
\\nDo you have a tried and tested roadmap for creating a thriving relationship?
\\nWelcome \\u2026 I\\u2019ve got a fantastic episode for you today \\u2026 I\\u2019m putting out less episodes at the moment because something big is about to happen for this podcast \\u2026 and we\\u2019re on the precipice of a new era that will launch in just a few weeks!\\xa0
\\nI\\u2019ve hired a new podcast production team that is powerfully challenging me to raise my game big-time in this space\\xa0 \\u2026 we\\u2019ve been stripping Men This Way down to rebuild it back up better \\u2026 I was even challenged to think of a new name for the podcast, to make it more understandable and accessible to people \\u2026 now, the name \\u201cMen, This Way\\u201d has so much meaning to me personally, but there was some concern that it didn\\u2019t make sense to anyone else, or that it suggested the podcast was only for men and not women, which although I certainly tailor this to speak more to men, I always want women to feel welcome here, too \\u2026 so that was a concern \\u2026 and so we came up with a bunch of different name possibilities \\u2026 that process even infiltrated my dreams \\u2026 my dream team even came up with an amazing title \\u2026\\xa0 \\u201cBalloons for Men\\u201d \\u2026 \\u2026 yeah hahaha \\u2026yeah hahaha \\u2026. actually NOT going with that title \\u2026 actually none of the hundreds of names we came up with felt any better than, Men, This Way, \\u2026 so I\\u2019m excited to say, we\\u2019re keeping that name \\u2026 but there\\u2019s another huge change upcoming that I\\u2019ll announce when we launch on Thursday, February 22, and that I\\u2019m personally sooooo excited about. I\\u2019ll just give you a hint: I hate doing this shit alone.\\xa0
\\nAnd with that, let\\u2019s dive into today\\u2019s episode.
\\nThis is a rebroadcast of a different podcast I was recently on \\u2013 The Art of Masculinity \\u2013 hosted by my dear friend and past Men This Way guest, Johnny Elsasser. We had a profound conversation about my \\u201cthriving relationship road map\\u201d for men, and I wanted to make sure you heard it here. Johnny does a great job hosting and jamming with me on this topic that is of vital importance to any man who truly wants to thrive in his life.
\\n\\u2022Emotional intelligence and vulnerability in male relationships
\\n\\u2022The three pillars of intimacy
\\n\\u2022Navigating rejection and emotional expression
\\n\\u2022Strategies for deepening connection and fostering fulfilling partnerships
\\n\\u2022Unlocking the secret to unstoppable success in relationships through self-ownership
\\nELEVATE YOUR RELATIONSHIP … is a 6-month live coaching experience for MEN challenged by an intimate relationship.
\\nIn this live 6-month coaching experience \\u2013 in which you get direct, personal support from Bryan \\u2013 you will learn how to better navigate conflict, create (and maintain) healthy boundaries, be your full authentic self in relationship to your partner, create emotional connection with your partner, practice the Art of Masculine-Feminine Intimacy (for deeper passion), and more.
\\nIf you’d like to be considered for this, please fill out this form and we\\u2019ll arrange a no-cost, no-pressure phone consultation ASAP to explore if this is a good fit for you:
\\n\\U0001f449 https://forms.gle/UQ2WrHQreqBCcBNe7
\\nConnect with Bryan:
\\n\\u2022Elevate Your Relationship Coaching Program For Men – A Free Training