mediocre 333 (30 dollar hooker)

Published: Sept. 9, 2010, 9:39 p.m.

recorded live 9/8/10 at 8pm eastern on arecibo radio.
special guest futzer in studio.
a young listener disappoints everyone.
but it's still a funny story.
i'll be honest, i am not sure what we talked about after the first 30 minutes. but we sure did talk.
so did jeff vice, that dude sure loves movies.
please come to the rib cookoff on 9/11 in philadelphia
thank you to all the new scorpions of support.
thanks for listening. (i really do mean that.)
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
twitter: @themediocreshow
streaming provided by
subscribe to the scorpions of support for a chance to be a winner.
mediocre show
PO box 1587
havertown, PA 19083