Rate Watch Wednesday: Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Published: Sept. 6, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

b'This Rate Watch Wednesday is focused on Medicare Supplement Plan G, for a male and female, ages 65 and 70 in Atlanta, Georgia (zip code 30305). As I have said before, Medicare Supplement plans are all Federally regulated by the government. There is no reason for anyone to pay more for their Medicare Supplement Plan G with one carrier over another because the letter of the plan dictates the coverage, not the carrier. You are not getting any additional benefits by paying more. That\\u2019s why it is important to shop your Medicare Supplement coverage every year, and we can help you with that. \\nYou may ask, \\u201cWhy do these companies charge different prices if they are all the same?\\u201d That\\u2019s a great question. Carriers have different administrative costs and they have different profit goals. There\\u2019s tons of different reasons why these big companies charge different prices. What you need to know is, just like in your Medicare book, Medicare Supplement Plan G is the same with every carrier.'