FAQ Friday: How to enroll in Medicare Part A and what it covers

Published: Sept. 7, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

b'Enrolling in Medicare Part A depends on if you\\u2019re drawing your social security income. If you are drawing your social security income then you will be automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A. If you are not drawing your social security income; you can register for Medicare Part A in 3 ways:\\n1.\\tCall the Social Security Office\\n2.\\tGo to their website\\n3.\\tGo to your local Social Security Office\\nMedicare Part A is your \\u201croom and board\\u201d or Hospital coverage because, for the most part, Medicare Part A is going to cover you while you\\u2019re in the hospital and it\\u2019s going to cover your room and board charges. If you are hospitalized and it\\u2019s an inpatient stay, you\\u2019re going to use your Medicare Part A benefit. Medicare Part A does not pay for all of your medical bills while you are in the hospital. Part A comes with a $1,340.00 deductible for 2018. You will have to pay the first $1,340.00. That will cover you for 60 days; after that you will have a per day charge while you\\u2019re in the hospital.'