1.11 Storm Front: Elevator, Woosh, Smash, Ding

Published: June 4, 2021, 7 a.m.


McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast

Today we have a guest speaker - Andreas. We cover Chapters 21, 22, and 23. Dresden confronts Monica Sells, battles a scorpion using an elevator, and heads to McAnallys for a car to borrow.

Storm Front Chapter 21 Summary

Monica allows Harry into her inner sanctum.

This is obviously Monica\\u2019s revered retreat, her personal haven. She has a bright, cheerful kitchen full of cartoon cows, and kept meticulously clean.

As she sinks into a chair and relaxes a little, Harry gives her a couple of minutes to collect herself, but the tension (for him, at least) is palpable and he can feel the storm closing in on him and his doom drawing nearer.

To expedite matters, Monica simply invites Harry to ask questions to which she will provide what answers she can.

Harry begins by confirming his realization that Monica and Jennifer Stanton are related. Harry wonders why Monica sought him out instead of going to the police, but she maintains that they would have thought she was insane going on about magic and spells.

When pressed as to why she wasn\\u2019t just direct with Dresden from the start, Monica breaks down a little and admits that her husband is responsible for it all.

He didn\\u2019t start out as a maniac, he once was a good husband and family man - a protector and provider for his family. But personal anxiety about never being able to be enough eventually ate away at Victor. A few years back he found magic and began to change. More recently he discovered how to forcefully open the Third Eye in other people and began mass-producing the ThreeEye drug. Victor couldn\\u2019t produce enough on his own until he stumbled across the discovery that he could use other people\\u2019s feelings and emotions to fuel his workings.

Thus the Shadowman began his \\u2018orgies of the occult\\u2019. He found the Beckitts and brought them in as \\u2018investors\\u2019, but it still wasn\\u2019t quite enough. Victor knew his sister-in-law worked as an escort and she brought in Linda Randall, who convinced Tommy Tomm. With his corporate structure now in place, Victor began to make money, but, as is usual with dark magic (and probably drug overlords), enough was never enough.

Papa Sells grew even darker and started eyeballing the kidlets. To exactly what purpose Monica wasn\\u2019t sure, but she damn sure wasn\\u2019t gonna wait to find out! With growing concerns, Mrs. Sells first talked to her sister, Jennifer, and when Jenny interceded with Victor on Monica\\u2019s behalf, Victor viciously murdered her in short order.

In a last-ditch attempt to escape the madness that her life had become, Monica had approached Dresden and tried to subtly tip him off so as not to further arouse Victor\\u2019s suspicions and ire.

Unfortunately Harry doesn\\u2019t always do subtle so well, and now Linda had been killed as well, and Harry was facing a literal deadline. 

Monica beseeches him to leave as she fears for her children\\u2019s safety, and can\\u2019t bear to witness Harry\\u2019s inevitable, and violent, demise first hand.

On his way out, Dresden is approached by young Jenny Sells and she questions his integrity in the way that children can, and implores him to be one of the \\u201cgood guys\\u201d and to help her family; though she fears it may be too late for her father.

With limited options available to him, Harry formulates a plan to save his ass and remembers he has a scorpion talisman of Victor\\u2019s back at his office that he can use to direct Victor\\u2019s spell back against himself.

Harry decides to give Murphy a head\\u2019s up regarding Victor\\u2019s illegal doings, just in case he fails to stop him magically, and learns that Murphy has gone to Dresden\\u2019s office to serve warrant on him.

Concerned for Karrin\\u2019s safety and well-being, Dresden hightails it over there, but Murph is already in hot water.

Storm Front Chapter 22 Summary

Dresden rushes to his office building as fast as he can and sprints up five stories\\u2019..."