(REPLAY) Imposter Syndrome and PepTalkHer with Meggie Palmer

Published: Aug. 20, 2021, 5:30 a.m.


Hello Martinis and Your Money listeners. In July\\u2019s happy hour episode we discussed being burnt out and the toll that the pandemic has taken on many workers and it\\u2019s certainly taken its toll on me in a lot of different ways. So to give myself time to refuel my own tank, I\\u2019m taking the month of August off from recording and working on the podcast. I\\u2019ll be vacationing with family, vacationing with my boyfriend Vinnie, enjoying a company retreat with my FinGym team, and prepping for what I hope will be a really great Fall season for the Gym as we open all four gym locations; back for events and client co-working. It\'s very exciting times. So during these four Fridays in August, I\\u2019ll be replaying some of my favorite episodes from this past year. I\\u2019ll be returning back in September with all-new episodes through the end of the year. Thank you so much for always supporting the show and allowing me some much-needed rest from producing new content. I\\u2019ll see you in September.

Welcome to 2021!! I don\\u2019t know about you, but I couldn\\u2019t be more excited to be starting a new year and a fresh start with all of you! 2020 turned out to be a year for survival and I feel like it\\u2019s time to make 2021 a year for thriving. I\\u2019m kicking off this new year addressing a topic that I know will help you thrive in 2021, and that\\u2019s imposter syndrome.\\xa0

At The Financial Gym, we\\u2019re always encouraging clients to dream bigger and manifest greater, and a common hurdle for many clients achieving those goals is overcoming imposter syndrome. Joining me today is Meggie Palmer, founder of PepTalkHer, to share her best strategies for managing and overcoming imposter syndrome. There are so many great pearls of wisdom in this conversation whether you are challenged with imposter syndrome or not.

For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.martinisandyourmoney.com/show-notes/episode382
