368. The Ins and Outs of Customer Relationship Management with Jeroen Corthout

Published: Oct. 26, 2022, noon


No CRM will fit all businesses because each company has different goals and needs. In today\'s Get Yourself Optimized episode, Jeroen Corthout joins me as we talk about different types of CRM and how to choose the best one for your business. He also explains how a CRM can help you better manage your customer relationship.

Jeroen is the co-founder and CEO of Salesflare, an intelligent CRM built for SMBs selling B2B services, mostly popular with agencies and SaaS companies. Salesflare itself was founded when Jeroen and his co-founder Lieven wanted to manage the leads for their software company in an easier way. They didn\'t like to keep track of them manually and built Salesflare, which pulls customer data together automatically.

Tune in! The show notes, including the transcript and checklist to this episode, are at marketingspeak.com/368.
