315. Create Your Own Virtual Summit with Liam Austin

Published: Nov. 3, 2021, noon


Hosting virtual events broadens your influence leading to a successful marketing funnel. Our guest today shares the flexibility, benefits, and power of virtual events. Liam Austin is the co-founder of Entrepreneurs HQ and a virtual event strategist. He has launched over 15 virtual summits, dozens of short workshops, and many more online events, hosting over 400 speakers while educating 100,000+ business owners through his programs. Liam is also the creator of the Million Dollar Virtual Summit Program, where he partners with select clients to generate seven figures. In this episode, Liam talks about the guides to planning and hosting virtual events to make them lucrative, appealing, and evergreen. He shares its benefits and explains the strategies of building trust and authority, leveraging strategic partners, and growing lists to ultimately enroll people in the programs and courses offered. The show notes, including the transcript and checklist to this episode, are at marketingspeak.com/315.\\xa0
