209. Transform Your Marketing Department into a Profit Center with Robert Rose

Published: Oct. 23, 2019, noon


What if everything you know about marketing is irrelevant in the 21st century? What if traditional marketing is dead, and marketing is evolving into something completely new and unexpected? That's the premise of Robert Rose and Joe Pulizzi's provocative book, Killing Marketing. It's a fascinating read that makes the case for killing off traditional marketing initiatives and transforming your marketing department from a cost center to a profit center. If that sounds a little heretical, it is. Robert Rose is my guest for this episode number 209 and he will explain exactly why he thinks you should rethink your approach to marketing and how you can turn a profit from it.\\xa0

To give away a little spoiler, one secret is that you need an innovative content marketing strategy. If your marketing team can create content so awesome that people get massive value out of it, you can easily monetize your marketing and start generating revenue from it. Robert is a master content marketer. As the founder of The Content Advisory, Robert has worked with hundreds of companies including 15 of the Fortune 500. We all know that content is king, but if you want to make your content go ka-ching, stay tuned as Robert and I guide you through his ingenious strategies to monetize your marketing.
