Why an Electricians website does not work! - Episode 2

Published: Jan. 4, 2020, 5:53 p.m.




If you do a google search for an Electrical company in your area you will see the top search results all have websites\\u2026. But how do you know if they really working\\u2026.


Do you believe that in order to get more work you need a website?


I once did so I learned to code and after a while could build a website from scratch\\u2026


Yet there were crickets\\u2026 no new job inquiries came from it..


What I then discovered was


"I confused mind always says no"


What does this mean exactly...


Let\\u2019s look at an example, say a customer wants some downlights installed in a room, and you give them one option on how to do this, it\\u2019s easy enough to understand and easy to say yes to\\u2026. however,


What if\\u2026. you gave that customer 5 in depth options or paths to take on how they could get the electrical work done\\u2026
