The problems customers have with us Electricians.... do you agree...

Published: March 26, 2020, 7:23 p.m.



In the previous episodes, we\'ve talked about


the customers and their problems and


today I\'m just going to go through the


problems that I\'ve come up we\'ve all


researched and found and so you run


through them step-by-step so the first


one I think is well the most dominant


one is we don\'t show up or they don\'t


show electricians don\'t show up when


they say they would and this is for me


I\'ve won numerous jobs just because I


was the electrician that showed up when


I would show up and this is like the


first step in the marketing it\'s like


doing what you say you would do if you


can\'t make it don\'t make the promises


and this is kind of where we can use


that in marketing so you can go hey if I


don\'t show up I\'m going to give you 50


bucks like that might be the solution so


the customer knows well and that this


electrician if I don\'t show up I can do


and then you honor that and use that as


a testimony to help you with your


marketing so that\'s number one and see


how we\'re going problem


so Lou


and using that in the marketing this is


kind of a three-step process that I want


to go through number two is bad quality


of workmanship and I\'ve also had this


I\'ve had contractors or electrician


electrical contractors under me who have


done shonky jobs so the put up the


lights and it\'s just like crooked


sideways leaking water gets in you know


all these type of things and how the


customer call me up and go hey what are


you doing like like your guys come here


and he places all the lights the crooked


weak and wobbly and what do you do so


stalking the solution to this is


guaranteeing your work so reassuring the


customer all job held to a higher


quality of standard in your not how


people come back free of charge to do it


so that\'s kind of like having a


guarantee having testimonies having case


studies having references to back that


up so and then you can use this as your


marketing so you can go hey have you


ever had a shitty job done by


electrician well don\'t worry I\'ve got


you covered we\'ve got a warranty of X Y


Z but we also guarantee to do this if


you don\'t you know there\'s other things


just what can you use in your marketing


to help reassure or take that pain point


away from the customer next we have not


doing what they say they would do so not


doing what if I said I\'m going to


install two powerpoints for 200 bucks
