How To Make PAID Ads FREE.... A Behind The Scenes Review - Episode 9

Published: March 7, 2020, 8:43 p.m.


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How to become an electrician- >See the video -> 


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A review of the Facebook live I just did with Parker on How to become an electrician, the untold storied Professional Electricians NEVER Share Until Now!  


Great. So I just came off an interview with Parker and we went through his journey of how he became an electrician, so he started off you wasn\'t enjoying school. And then he worked through these series of events to get the skills and requirements in order to become the electrician that he is today. Now, this was a great story. However, what I want to touch on here is not essential, not the story you can go to marketing secrets for electricians, dot com opt in.


And I\'ve put this story there for you guys to see if you\'re going to see the interview. Feel free to do that. But this is about the behind the scenes. So how do we come up with the title like How to Become an Electrician? Why specifically did I pick that title? And that is because, for example, what I did was I found out what Parker who\'s trying to serve. And then from there, I was like, okay.


So he\'s trying to serve people who don\'t know what they want to do or you\'re trying to serve people wanting to become electricians. So they\'re better at that type of point. So I went and used this type of topic awareness and went to suggest so you can go to movies, suggest you\'ve tried that in Google is from Neil Patel and type in your keywords there or description. So if I typed in electrician or how to become electrician, what I discovered and there\'s a bunch of keywords like Illin It collectible partnership near me has three thousand people searching for that per month, but this one has like 11 eleven thousand.


I think it was people searching for how to become electricians. So this interview is basically us trying to target that. There is key words. And not only that, we know people are interested in this because there\'s that much traffic that\'s just in America around the world. There\'s like heaps more. And you can actually search your area and see how many people are searching in your particular country. So once I had that information as a matter of, okay, cool, we\'ve got the title and that\'s kind of like the key word.


So that\'s like your page one. You\'re like major thing that Google is going to pick up when it ranks. Second, the kind of hook is the untold stories professional electricians never share until now. And this is like the subtext, which is kind of like curiosity. Dacia Yeah, like untold stories professional electricians never share. Well, this is also a true statement. How many electricians share how they became electricians? Would that help you stand out from your business?


If you on your about page, you had a video saying, Hey, I was once not electrician before and I found it frustrating with electricians or sharing your journey as to how you became that electricians and the frustrations you found about electricians so you can connect with your customers on that same level. So that\'s kind of the. The hook is getting that interest and making it like compelling to share a second. So that after we\'re done that the next bit.


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