How To Change The Channel

Published: May 9, 2013, 6 p.m.

After you have an offer that’s working in one channel, how do you scale it fast?  Russell shows you how to use other marketing channels to scale any offer fast.


Hey everybody, this is Russell Brunson and this is the Marketing in Your Car podcast. I’m excited for today. It’s a beautiful day here in Boise. I am excited about everything that’s happening. I hope you guys are having a good time in your business as well. Yesterday, I shot a trailer video for the Marketing in Your Car podcast which is kind of fun so hopefully I’ll get a lot more subscribers coming in which will be fun. We appreciate all you guys.

Today, I want to talk about what we’ve been working on the last few days which is not so much what we’ve been working on but what we’ve been focusing on. We’ve been working on our supplement but what’s been fun about it is we’ve been over this past two or three days, we’ve been really focusing on shifting the channels that we’re marketing through.

We found that, just in my business as a whole, there are a couple of channels that I’m really, really good at. By channels, I mean like a distribution channel, a different type of traffic. For example, a channel could be TV, newspaper could be a channel, radio could be a channel, things like that.

Obviously we’re online. Most people just lump the internet together as one big huge, it’s the internet but it’s obviously not. There are a lot of channels on the internet, almost more than you can even count. There are three or four channels that I personally am really, really good at. One is the joint venture affiliate channel. I’m really good at that channel.

The next one is email media buying. We’re really good at that channel. Direct mail, we’re pretty good at that channel. Those are channels we’re good at. We’ve focused primarily as we’ve rolled out our supplement on those channels. So far, it’s doing really, really good.

We keep adding in more pieces to that. For example, with email media buying, we found some lists that are converting, their offers are converting really well to. What we do because we want to make our offer evergreen is instead of sending out just one solo ad that goes out to the entire list once and then moving onto the next list, we set it up so that our solo ad goes out to a portion of that list every single week.

For example, we have an ad running with World Net Daily right now, and I think their list is like a million people or something like that, so right now, our ad goes out to one seventh of the list every Monday, which is cool because every time it goes out, we make 50, 60, 100 sales, and it’s just consistent though as opposed to we could send out one email, get a whole bunch of sales and then it ends.

This way, we can do that and it rotates through it every seven or eight weeks, we’ve hit the entire list and then it starts over and keeps going. It’s an evergreen type thing. We have something similar with our Dot Com Secrets local offer. We have a couple of people that mail to a percentage of their list every single day, it just rotates through their list.

That way, it’s more of an evergreen thing as opposed to just a one-time strategy. We’ve been doing those, studying the lists for it, finding joint venture partners, a bunch of stuff like that and it’s been going really, really good but now that we’re getting these channels dialed in and the numbers are working good, and they’re consistent, what other channels can we add to this?

It’s been really fun looking at that because there are so many different ways to drive traffic. You have Facebook, we have Google, we have the other ad networks. We have PPV stuff, CPV, there’s so many different channels and ways to do it. It can get overwhelming.

What we’ve been doing is just really strategically looking at the ones that we want to test first. Some of them, again, that we’re really good at doing and some we’re really bad at doing so we’re finding partners in each of those spaces like someone who is a lot better than me at Facebook because I don’t think I’ll ever be good at Facebook just because I can’t stand logging into Facebook, so finding somebody who is good at that and let them run it, test it, and try a bunch of things, and maybe invest $1000 or $2000 in that source trying to see if we can make it work, testing it, trying it, and just perfecting it until we can get that channel to work.

If we can’t get that channel to work, that’s fine too. That’s one thing that a lot of people don’t understand is that just because it works in one channel doesn’t mean it’s going to work in another channel. If we can’t get it to work, then move on, try another channel and keep going through but it’s just kind of fun.

The reason I wanted to talk about this today is because about a year ago, I had a really interesting conversation with Perry Belcher who is one of the smartest marketers I’ve ever met, and a really cool guy too but he was talking about they had hired Mary Ellen Tribby to be their CEO for a year, year and a half, something like that.

I remember when they first hired her, I said, “What was the reason why you brought her in to be your CEO?” He said, “Mary Ellen always says that us internet marketers, that we’re crazy because we go out there and we spend all this time, effort, and money creating an offer, getting it out there. We launch it, make a bunch of sales, and then the next day, we’re onto the next project.”

He said, “The way Mary Ellen looks at business is more like a play. How crazy would it be if you were to make a big play, you go to hire the actors, the directors, and you guys practice for six months, and you go on, you go in Boise, Idaho, and you put on this play. It’s a smashing success and everybody loves it, and then you just go home.”

He said, “No, if that works, and you’re making a ton of money off it, then you take that play on the road. You take that show on the road and you go to Chicago, and then Dallas, and Denver. You take it across the country and across the world. You turn that success into tens of millions of dollars.”

He said, “That’s the way that she looks at internet marketing is you create a good offer, and then you got to take it on the road.” That’s what we’ve been really focusing on with our supplement is we created the good offer. Now we’re taking it on the road and we’re focusing on taking it to Dallas, Denver, and Chicago, and all these different channels.

We’ve got direct mail going forward now. We have all these different things. We’re just adding channel after channel after channel and taking that from an idea that right now is doing good money to by the time this year is out, it should be doing insane amounts of money just because we’re really dialing in channel by channel, and perfecting each of those.

Just something to think about in your own business and your own marketing is after you’ve got something working is taking that and changing the channel, and focusing on different areas, and really scaling it, taking your show on the road. I’m at the office. I hope you guys enjoyed that. If you like the Marketing in Your Car podcast, please go into iTunes and rate us. I would really appreciate it. I appreciate you guys. We’ll talk to you all soon.