Hangout To Close Sales

Published: April 25, 2013, 6 p.m.

Learn a few strategies for making a ton of $$$ by using Google hangouts. This will work for any business to double your sales immediately and increase long term sales.


Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson again from and this is the Marketing in Your Car podcast. Today, I’m going to talk about a tool that we’ve been using like crazy. I would say this year, I bet you this tool makes me more money than anything else that we’ve had. That tool is called Google Hangouts.

Google Hangouts are like this cool new thing. They’re awesome for a lot of reasons. If you haven’t been on one yet, Google Hangout is basically, you jump on your webcam and you can have four or five, I think you can have up to ten other people jump on as well. You see all their little webcams. Whoever talks, it shows their video up top and little head shots of the people down below. Then when they talk, it jumps them up. It’s pretty cool.

Last night, I was actually interviewed by the Huffington Post through a live Google Hangout. It was me and three other experts who are on there, along with a host. It was a really fun experience because it was just like I was in the studio getting interviewed for the news, except for I was sitting in my bedroom with my laptop, and it was really cool. I saw how they were using it.

They’re using it on a big scale. They’re actually publishing a live 24 hour a day news show using Google Hangouts. They had a producer and people. It was really exciting, really cool actually. First of all, I want to say anyone who wants to start your own news channel, you can do it with Google Hangouts. These guys, obviously Huffington Post is a huge company but they were able to do it.

They have the same technology we all have. Google Hangouts is completely free so it was pretty cool, but then we’re using it in our business in a lot of other ways. Right now, some of you guys know with Rippln we’re going to be rolling out, we’ve been doing tons of Google Hangouts. Everyday, I do a Google Hangout and have everyone on our team bring their teams to the Google Hangout, kind of like back in the day with network marketing companies, they were grown through hotel meetings.

This is kind of like a hotel meeting that we do every single day at noon for 30 minutes. We get people on, get excited, we sign them up, and then the next day, they bring back their friends. We just keep doing this process over and over again. Our team is growing. We’re at 26,000 plus this morning and growing like wildfire. It’s pretty exciting.

Now, some of the other interesting things, we’ve been using Google Hangouts also to sell product, a lot of product. In fact, we had this friend and they did a webinar. They put it on for a week ahead of time. They did the webinar, and then on the webinar, they sold $70,000 worth of product. They did pretty well.

Then the next day, they did a Google Hangout. The Hangout was basically just with everybody who had been on the webinar, and it was to answer questions. They sat on there for three or four hours just answering questions, talking to people about it, getting them excited, and ended up almost doubling the sales during the Google Hangout which is pretty amazing.

Then the other exciting thing is Google Hangouts are run like they stream live on YouTube so as soon as the Hangout was over, it was kind of cool because people during the Hangout can ask questions and all that kind of stuff. People were asking questions and they were responding. As soon as they’re done, all those questions, all those comments instantly turn into YouTube comments.

The second the video was live, there’s 1000 comments that pop in there. It’s just amazing that because of the comments, because it’s YouTube and because Google wants to award people for doing Google Hangouts right now, they’re ranking those videos very, very high. This guy, he had done $70,000 on the live webinar. I think he did a $60,000 on the Google Hangout but that Google Hangout was archived on Google and he was ranked number one for the product name, for what he was selling.

For the next three or four months, people kept searching for that product name and he told me he sold over $50,000 more in stuff from people who would just stumble upon his Google Hangout that is now there and archived for the rest of time and all eternity. It’s kind of interesting because he did that work once, and that sales presentation he made will continue to sell for him forever.

Really, that’s one of the magical, powerful things about Google Hangouts. After you’re done, those things are archived forever and they’ll keep closing sales for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week for forever. When you’re dead and when your kids are dead, and your grandkids are dead, those things will still be closing sales for you.

It’s exciting. For those who have not tried Google Hangouts yet, they’re completely free. Just go into your Google Plus account. On the right-hand side, there’s a big button that says Hangout. You click on it, boom, you invite some friends to it, you name it, you stream it live, and you can do it. I just recommend jumping in and doing one.

Just do one for fun. I’m going to do one today with just myself on it just to create the video that I can then use in a promotional video. That’s the other thing is you make quick promotional videos by making Hangouts. There are a lot of really cool ways to use it but it’s by far one of the most powerful tools we’ve ever used for converting customers, for driving traffic, for sustaining your sales message, and it’s a super powerful tool.

If you haven’t done a Google Hangout yet, go and do it. I’m at the office right now. I’m going to be doing three or four Hangouts on queue for myself to do today so I’m going to go jump on one right now, and make some money. You guys should be doing it as well. Thanks everybody.