A Message From Russell At 4:13 AM

Published: April 21, 2014, 6 p.m.

Why Russell deleted his entire webinar and spent the last 4 hours rebuilding it from scratch.


Good morning, everyone. This is Russell. It is 4:13 A.M. and I am just driving home from the office. I want to welcome you to a late-night, special edition of Marketing in Your Car.

You guys probably think I am crazy, but it is definitely 4:13 A.M. and I have a Webinar eight hours from now which I am very excited about. We have been pruning it all week long. Hopefully most of you  will be on there because it is going to be awesome.

This week has been so crammed with everything. I am working with a writer to write my book; we are trying to launch ClickFunnels, and a lot of other stuff. Every day I kept trying to find time to prepare the Webinar and I just have not had the time. It has been kind of crazy.

As you know from my last podcast, I want to do Jiu Jitsu and lift weights and everything else. Eventually it comes down to crunch time and you just kind of do it.

I worked on it today for a while and got my slides finished up. They are not finished, but I had four or five slides done when I left the office. I really needed to come back to the office to get some stuff done, so I came back to the office. It has been a long time since I have written a brand new Webinar from scratch. There was a time when I was writing a Webinar almost every month and I was very good at it.

When Automated Webinars came out, we did a DotComSecrets local one. That one just blew up. I think we did a million dollars the first 90 days with it. That one went on to do about $3 million. For almost a year I did not write another Webinar and then I wrote the DotComSecrets X Webinar. This one has been crushing it now for almost two years now. Maybe it is more than two years.

Anyway, I have gotten lazy. I have not had to do a Webinar for a long time and I have kind of forgotten how to do them. I am trying to get back into the flow of it and do stuff. I am going through a lot of notes and I remembered a guy who is really crushing it on Webinars. I almost paid him $50,000 to write a Webinar for me, for my Supplement Secrets offer. It kind of fell through last minute. I still may do it, but we did not end up doing it for this product.

Wow, there is somebody else out here driving at 4:00 in the morning. How strange is that? I am on some random, small road, and we came to a T and we both came at the very same time. That’s interesting.

I almost paid this dude $50,000 to do Webinars. His name is Jason Fladlien and he is crushing it with Webinars right now. It kind of fell through at the last minute and I was wondering if he had anything to teach in his Webinar system. I would be very curious to look at it to get some ideas.

I went to his Web site and there was a $1,000 product and a $50 product about how he does his Webinars. I thought, “Well, I don’t have time to go through a $1,000 course in the next hour.” It was probably about 10:00 at night when I got into the office and started doing this research.

I bought the $50 course. It was an ebook, so I printed it out and started looking through it. Actually, before I printed it out I scrolled through the PDF to see if it was going to be of value. I started scrolling through very quickly and I thought, “Oh, man! This is really, really good stuff.” There were different ways to present a Webinar which I have not done before.

One core concept, I am not sure if I did a Webinar or a podcast on this. I may have just talked about it at our mastermind group. It was talking about finding the one core thing and focusing on one belief, not trying to get people to believe a lot of things.

I was looking at the existing presentation I was creating. I was trying to get people to believe three or four things and Jason’s template works very much on the one belief thing. I took all my slides, all my notes, everything I had worked on for four or five hours today at the office, plus everything I had done up to that point and I deleted it all. I read through an 80-page ebook in an hour-and-a-half or so and remapped the entire thing.

I then spent from midnight until 4:00 A.M. building out the slides for my presentation. They are not quite finished yet. I would say they are probably about 80% finished, but I am excited.

Anyway, I just got home. I am going to take a nap. My wife is going to lift weights in two hours and then the kids should get up in three hours. Three hours from now my kids will be awake jumping on me. I have to get them breakfast and then I will hopefully have enough energy to come back, and finish the slides.

Also, we do not have the order page up or anything. I have to get the order sales page to flow  and the product is not completely finished either. It is close. I have to do all that stuff before noon Mountain Time which is less than eight hours from now.

Wish me luck! I am excited to see what happens. I will report back and let you know if I either bomb or if it is a huge success. I think it should be good, though. I think the pitch is pretty powerful. It is something I would pay for in a heartbeat. It should be good.

That is the game plan. I am going to get some sleep. I appreciate you guys listening. Hopefully you get a kick out of the fact that I am still up. I will talk to you guys soon.