Published: Aug. 15, 2020, 7 a.m.


And that’s because you’ve confused marketing with selling (or any other intention that doesn’t feel like supporting or helping).

But what if marketing was actually helping people?

Would that feel more congruent?

This isn’t word play. You have to come from a different place in order for marketing to make the world a better place. A place that isn’t about selling something but about helping someone.

I’ve spent a year proving this style of marketing with 7 cohorts of healers and coaches just like you. People who felt less than confident when it came to marketing.

The amazing part is that in just 6 short weeks in our program, they went from confused to inspired.

You keep trying to "do marketing" and that doesn’t feel in alignment with your soul.

In our program we don’t "do marketing". We lead a conversation for those we seek to serve.

This changes how you show up when you post, what you say and how you feel.

Imagine feeling strong and confident when you post, knowing that it will resonate and impact someone today.

That’s what we teach you do. You can learn more at

(Watch Video)


*If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business...

I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me.

To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page.

You can view the videos here:


[Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 382]

Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here:

