Quit Sabotaging Yourself

Published: Dec. 16, 2019, 11:30 a.m.


Here’s the pattern...

You get inspired by an idea, or have vision for what you want to create, or get a glimpse of Important Work that would be worthy of your life...

And you start out doing some of the work, until...

...It gets tough.
...You run short on money.
...Others question your idea.
...You feel stumped and stupid.
...You don’t produce results.
...You compare yourself to others.

The list goes on and on.

And in this moment you’re at a crossroads.

What you can’t see because you haven’t been on the journey long enough is that...

You will always be at new crossroads when you’re in business for yourself.

You thought you would have some learning lessons early on and then figure it all out and it would be smooth sailing to your dreams.

What you didn’t account for was change. Even if you figured it all out (which is a myth), things still change and you have adjust.

You have to learn new skills. Meet new people. Reinvent your business and maybe even yourself... over and over.

That’s the game. Crossroads after crossroad.

So how do you stay the course?

How do you forge ahead, even when you want to quit?

(Watch Video)


*If you want clarity at the crossroads...

I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me.

To apply, first take the free course, Marketing For The Rest Of Us and then apply on the last page.

You can start the free course here:



[Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 225]