Pick the Least Suckiest Path

Published: Sept. 9, 2019, 10:30 a.m.


If you’re not a technology person you’re screwed.

You’re going to have to learn some tools that can leverage your efforts so that your message and cash flow can grow.

And while all technology can suck...

You need to find the least sucky path for you.

(Watch Video)


*Want a shortcut to help you bypass much of the sucky technology in marketing...

...and understand the real game of marketing?

I built a program for this very thing.

The Groundswell Method 6 Week intensive program teaches you how to bypass much of the technology trap we find ourselves in when it comes to marketing.

If you’d like to learn more about the 6 week intensive, a good place to start is with my free course, Marketing For The Rest Of Us - The Course.

Start with free course here:



[Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 127]