Published: July 20, 2020, 7 a.m.


I used to share and market from a safe place because I was too afraid you’d “find out” I didn’t have it all figured out.

Or, I was afraid you would reject me, yell at me or discredit me for speaking my truth.

So for years I tried to say what I thought you wanted to hear... too afraid to open up and share what life had taught me through the dark stuff.

My message was either positive or tactical and it landed on deaf ears.

What I’ve come learn through experience is that the more I share from my shadow, the more free I feel.

And the more free I feel, the more I step into my power.

This is why marketing is a spiritual practice.

If you’re going to say something to others, say something that sets them free. And what sets others free is sharing how you got free.

(Watch Video)


*If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business...

I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me.

To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page.

You can view the videos here:


[Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 370]

Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here:

