Do Less and Do It Well

Published: Dec. 27, 2019, 11:30 a.m.


Do you have a huge to do list that never gets done?

Do you have many interests or goals that seem to pull you in many directions?

On the surface it’s cute.

“Oh silly me. I have so much to do...”

...and we shrug it off like it’s no big deal.


This behavior is robbing you blind.

It’s time to get super honest and real about how you’re kidding yourself with all this “stuff”.

You have to begin to CHOOSE!

Here’s how this has shown up for me...

(Watch Video)


*If you want more focus... and to get more done in less time... you need a framework that simplified everything.

I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me.

To apply, first take the free course, Marketing For The Rest Of Us and then apply on the last page.

You can start the free course here:


[Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 235]