523: Increase Authority and Influence At the Same Time: Be Controversial, Create a Compelling Message, Operate in Your Sphere of Genius, and Scale Massively with Josh Elledge

Published: March 30, 2018, 8 a.m.

Josh Elledge is a serial entrepreneur who builds the companies he needs most in the world. In 2014, He launched UpMyInfluence (previously upendPR) to help entrepreneurs like himself attract the perfect audiences and grow their brands without the crazy costs and contracts associated with traditional PR companies. Since then, UpMyInfluence (UMI) has evolved into a purpose-driven platform bent on totally DEMOCRATIZING access to influence. Josh wholeheartedly believes UMI has a moral imperative to help entrepreneurs own their expertise, share their wisdom, and serve the world with their collective messages. And help our members grow revenue too! Resources Up My Influence (official site) Savings Angel Josh Elledge on LinkedIn Josh Elledge on Twitter