The Best Of Mark Levin - 7/8/23

Published: July 8, 2023, 11 a.m.

b"This week on the Mark Levin Show, Mark announced the news that box store Target has decided to boycott his new book due out this September. Why? They're scared of offending Democrats. If Target can silence consumers' right to consume - what is next?\\xa0Does the Biden administration tell the truth about anything? There\\u2019s nobody better at lying than President Biden, he is a born pathological liar.\\xa0Decades ago the Wall Street Journal took the position that \\u201cthere shall be open borders.\\u201d How has that worked so far? Awful! Wall Street Journals claims that Gov Ron DeSantis\\u2019 illegal alien crackdown will \\u201cexacerbate the state\\u2019s labor shortage while doing nothing to fix Biden\\u2019s border failures.\\u201d\\xa0Americans won\\u2019t work at low-paying or low-skilled jobs is a flat-out lie. It\\u2019s a negative stereotype of Americans.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"