The Best of Mark Levin - 3/19/22

Published: March 19, 2022, 1 p.m.

b"On the Best of Mark Levin, Sen Lindsey Graham should not be taking heat for calling for the assassination of Vladimir Putin, a man who has unleashed Chechen assassins against the president of Ukraine and attacked their largest nuclear power plant. The more appeasement you show in the face of aggressive military action like Russia, the more brutal and aggressive they will become. Putin is now deciding what can and cannot be used on the battlefield. Specifically, regarding the MIG-29's the Pentagon says Ukraine doesn't need them because they won't be beneficial. Isn't it Ukraine that knows exactly what it needs and decides what's beneficial for their survival? Interestingly, when Trump was president, he was undermined by the Pentagon, by the FBI, and these same characters are covering for Biden's interference in the transfer of older U.S fighter jets to Poland so that Poland could donate MIG-29 jets to Ukraine. Putin is escalating his attack on civilians in Ukraine as he did in Syria and Chechnya. Yet all the media can do is say how terrible it is, but surmise that nothing can be done because Putin will nuke us if we get involved. However, the U.S has taken on the Soviets in many proxy wars in years past. When Russia invaded Afghanistan it paid a high price - 100,000 casualties.\\xa0Lamentably, there is a fifth column within the conservative movement who supports Putin, who has clearly declared the U.S as an enemy. Some of them claim to be 'America First', yet none of this occurred during Trump's presidency. Putin has always wanted Ukraine and he's admitted to it. Our federal government, State Department, and White House are afraid of a stalemate between Ukraine and Russia because they feel Putin will use nuclear weapons. China has now pledged to financially support Russia in financing their war. So, the Ukrainians will continue suffering because Putin doesn't care if he has to gas them in order to win.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"