Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/23/23

Published: Aug. 24, 2023, 1:08 a.m.

b'On Wednesday\\u2019s Mark Levin Show, tonight is the first GOP debate for the 2024 election, and it\\u2019s being hyped as the most anticipated debate ever, even though most of the 8 people on stage are running to be #2 to Donald Trump. Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamy have been the favorites in the media because they are believed to be the ones who will do the most damage to Trump. We want a candidate with evidence and a record that we can trust, not someone who cleans their Wikipedia page and hides their history. Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, and Nikki Haley are the only ones who will be on stage with a record of conservatism, some more than others, and far more than Christie. Donald Trump became active in conservative movements years before running for president, speaking with groups like the Tea Party, which is far from anything Ramaswamy has done. True courage is standing up to a corrupt DOJ, federal prosecutors, and district judges who are destroying our Constitution, not standing on a debate stage. Also, a private jet carrying Wagner group bosses was shot out of the sky with a missile, killing all passengers on board. This is exactly how Vladimir Putin takes out his opponents, and this was to be expected after they had marched on Moscow with 10,000 troops. Putin is a former KGB assassin, and this is right out of their playbook. Later, Mark speaks with General Keith Kellogg, Co-Chairman of the American First Policy Institute, to discuss his time in the Trump Administration and the events in Russia today with the Wagner group.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'