Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/26/18

Published: March 27, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

b'On Monday\\u2019s Mark Levin show, congratulations to the media for an outstanding job taking advantage of children participating in the \\u201cMarch for Our Lives\\u201d protest to push gun-control propaganda. The march was a joke and funded by leftists with millions of dollars. Just because people march doesn\\u2019t mean they are right, it happens all the time. Gun control is a theory that says if you have no guns you have no killings, but there\\u2019s no evidence for that. The shooting in Parkland, FL wasn\\u2019t because of a lack of gun control, it had everything to do with failure of government at the Federal and local level. We won\\u2019t save school children with any of these Federal laws. Local school districts can save kids by protecting them, yet many refuse to do what\\u2019s necessary. They believe security in airports is more important than security in schools. Also, John Bolton was initially dismissed as a talking head by CNN\\u2019s Brian Stelter. Now there\\u2019s the suggestion that he\\u2019s been colluding with the Russians and can\\u2019t pass a background check because the NRA asked him to record a gun rights video to the Russian citizens. This is consistent with unalienable rights and it knows no borders. But didn\\u2019t the left say Bolton wanted to go to war with the Russians? Later, we now have the pornification of the news with the endless Stormy Daniels stories. When it came to Bill Clinton the media wouldn\\u2019t pay attention to the scores of women coming forward. Did 60 minutes rush to Paula Jones or Kathleen Willey for their stories?\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'