Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/13/22

Published: Oct. 14, 2022, 1:57 a.m.

b"On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Democrats are using their unconstitutional January 6th Committee to subpoena the former President just three weeks from the midterm elections. Meanwhile, the DOJ has leaked to the Washington Post that somehow moving documents from one part\\xa0of Mar-A-Lago to another part of the residence is some sort of smoking gun. The January 6 hearings are merely a smoke screen because gasoline is up 58% from a year ago, inflation is still at 8%, while food costs are more than double that (15.57% since Biden took office).\\xa0Then, depression is coming after stagflation if there isn't\\xa0any deflation and every politician, mainly democrats, that voted for the inflation reduction act and Biden's other massive spending bills must be held accountable. When the White House urges you to stay the course on their disastrous economic policy this isn't compassion it intentionally enriches a select few while the masses go broke.\\xa0Afterward, Rep Lauren Boebert joins the show with an important update on her very close reelection race. Boebert also criticized Biden for trying to cut an oil production deal with the Saudi Arabian\\xa0government\\xa0in order to influence an American election instead of relying on the American worker to produce more energy right here at home.\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"