Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 04/27/18

Published: April 28, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

b'On Friday\\u2019s Mark Levin show, a report has come out from the House Intel Committee and the bottom line is that the Obama administration did more to interfere with the 2016 election than the Russians.\\xa0 Not a single witness provided any evidence of collusion; this has been a hoax from day one and it goes all the way to the top. Top officials in the Obama administration conspired to take out Donald Trump the candidate, president-elect and as the president. Robert Mueller isn\\u2019t investigating Russian interference, he is trying to take down Trump with a Martha Stewart type game.\\xa0 He is looking to take him down asserting obstruction of justice in hopes that the democrats take the house in 2018.\\xa0 How is it possible that Barack Obama knew none of this? He is the invisible hand in all of this. Also, one of the reason CNN is so against Trump is because they were in on it.\\xa0 James Clapper leaked the Steele dossier to CNN\\u2019s Jake Tapper and was rewarded with a job months later. We have a conflict of interest here and CNN never revealed this info. \\xa0Finally, North Korea will not give up all its nuclear weapons. Kim Jong Un is a Stalinist and they don\\u2019t play by the rules.\\xa0 It\\u2019s strange that Jong Un goes from an iron fisted dictator to a smiling, happy leader. President Xi Jinping is telling him to do this because Trump won\\u2019t be president forever.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'