Making Health Policy Translatable: Mandi Bishop Interviews Andy Slavitt

Published: Jan. 5, 2017, 2:03 p.m.

As Andy Slavitt, MBA, acting administrator of CMS, comes to the end of his tenure, he spoke with Mandi Bishop, MA, CEO of Aloha Health, about the task of making health policy translatable and the legacy of payment reform he leaves behind. During his tenure, Slavitt, who has held the position since March 2015, oversaw the rollout of a number of new payment models to move healthcare to a value-based care system, including the implementation of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act. In addition, he has made a point to work on providing Americans with tools to help them find the best hospitals. In the interview with Bishop, he offered insights for the incoming administration in the continued move toward value-based care.