064: Too many video games and in praise of mediocrity

Published: Oct. 8, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

b"This week Charis discusses the landscape of video games and how many more new games have come into being over the past four years. How has this affected the video game industry and what does the future of it look like? Eugene wants to talk about an opinion piece written by Tim Wu that praises the pursuit of mediocrity in certain areas of life and the practice of having hobbies.\\n\\n00:12:28 Indiepocalypse\\n00:28:38 Hobbies and mediocrity\\n\\nLinks:\\nhttps://www.polygon.com/2018/9/28/17911372/there-are-too-many-video-games-what-now-indiepocalypse\\nhttps://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/29/opinion/sunday/in-praise-of-mediocrity.html\\n\\nWhat is MAEKAN?\\nMAEKAN is a membership-based publication and community focused on the sights and sounds of creative culture. We're about learning, participating, and connecting with a global community on a deeper level that social media just doesn't provide. We\\u2019re defining the future of creative culture.\\nWe don't have all the answers, but our curiosity ensures we never stop looking.\\n\\nSign-Up Today\\nIf you've enjoyed this story from the archives and want to see what else MAEKAN has to offer, sign-up for your membership at MAEKAN.com. You'll unlock all of our stories, be given exclusive member-only-access to our Slack community, and have the opportunity to participate in our monthly digital panel discussions.\\n\\nMAEKAN.com \\n\\nFollow Us\\ninstagram.com/maekan \\nfacebook.com/storiesforthecurious \\ntwitter.com/maekan \\nstories@maekan.com\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSend in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/maekanitup/message"