Episode 22: Do I Need a Content Strategy, an SEO Strategy, or Both?

Published: Feb. 11, 2019, 5 a.m.

What does content do?

Helps your clients

Shows you’re credible, builds brand

Pre-sells your products and services

What does SEO do?

Gets your content in front of prospects

Shows you’re a leader in the field

Fends off competitors

Pre-sells your products and services

How to correctly use them together

Understand how your prospects behave - SEO Keyword Marketplace Analysis

What questions do they need to answer - SEO Keyword Analysis

What research and business case must they make - SEO Keyword Analysis

Who are your competitors and what are they doing? - SEO Keyword Marketplace Analysis

Create an editorial strategy that serves your prospects and edges out your competitors - Editorial Calendar

Create and publish content that is SEO and marketplace optimize - Content Production

Promote your content to your market - Content Marketing

If you can only afford to do one or the other, do it like this

1. Get your web platform in order

2. Use Wordpress. It will get you 75% there

3. Create some basic cornerstone content, informed by SEO

4. Post frequently and consistently

5. Promote your content

6. Do some advanced SEO