47. Noel Walton | The Military & Mentorship

Published: March 16, 2021, 11 a.m.


Noel Walton is the President of Eagles Capital. He is an Army Aviation Officer with 16 years of military service. He began real estate investing in 2012 and has managed several fix and flips, holds a portfolio of single-family rentals and is passively invested in 50 apartment units. He is a General Partner and founder with his team, the \\u2018The Joint Chiefs of Real Estate (JCORE) Partnership\\u2019, consisting of active and retired military members from the Army, Air Force, Marines and Navy. Together they invest in the central Texas market targeting B & C Class value add apartments from 50-200 units.

As a Helicopter Pilot, Military Leader and a Skydiver, Noel possesses strong risk management, team building, decision-making and capital raising skills. He and his wife, Claudia love to ski, travel, read, and give back to causes assisting children and veterans. They have two daughters, Hannah (4) and Julia (1).

Noel's email: noel@jcoreinvestments.com | Noel's website:
jcoreinvestments.com | Noel's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/noel-walton-eagles-capital/ | Noel's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/noel.walton1

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@makeitrainpodcast and our website at makeitraincapital.com.
