39. Tim Kelly - Jamaica/SecretX Series Part II | ADPI, Belief & Your Network

Published: Jan. 19, 2021, noon


Tim is a recently retired Chief Petty Officer in the United States Navy and served his country for 15 years. Tim has been investing in real estate since 2011, and now owns, controls, or has directly been involved in over 1,000 income producing units and looks forward to acquiring 5,000 multi-family units within the next three years.

He is VP of Education & Co-Owner on the incredible platform, Active Duty Passive Income (ADPI), Tim is helping active, veteran, reserve, and other military affiliated personnel realize their financial freedom goals through real estate investing.

Tim is also a Senior Managing Partner of both Kelly Housing Group and ADPI Capital where he and his partners invest in and syndicate multi family property in the affordable and workforce housing spaces with a focus on apartment communities, mobile home communities, and storage facilities.

He is married to his lovely wife, Allyson, and they are passionate about being active in the community by giving back to the military.

For more info, check us out on Instagram
@makeitrainpodcast and our website at makeitraincapital.com.

Tim's website:
thetimothykelly.com | Chris's Phone Number: 512-387-1888 | Chris's Email: Chris@ChrisTaoRealEstate.com
